Student number 3803/Form  January 2021 Batch

Delivery May 11, 2021


Normal Delivery 

Have been meaning to message you. Nirvighn has completed one year a few days ago and  I thank you everyday for educating both Diggaj and I about the entire birthing journey.
Breastfeeding has been the most rewarding experience for me this past year. If you hadn’t taught us about how crucial it is maybe we would have given up in the initial days only.
We are managing work and every activity around it and haven’t let anything or anyone stop us from breastfeeding. He hasn’t fallen sick even once (not even a cold/fever/stomach upset etc) and I think it has a lot to do with breastfeeding. He is also much more active than kids his age. 🙂

Nutan Pandit
Natural Childbirth Centre

Phone:  +91-11-24601689, +91-11-24629951, +91-9910210409


Address: D-178, Defence Colony GF, New Delhi-110024, India

Your body is designed to give birth . . . 
Have Faith In It

Nutan Pandit
Natural Childbirth Centre

Phone:  +91-11-24601689, +91-11-24629951, +91-9910210409


Address: D-178, Defence Colony GF, New Delhi-110024, India

Your body is designed to give birth . . . 
Have Faith In It

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