Student number 3790/Form March 2022 Batch
Delivery April 08, 2022
We had our baby girl via vaginal delivery. It was a beautiful experience and we cannot thank you enough for all your classes and guidance!! We were due on April 29th but it seems she wanted to come soon after we completed our course with you😁
I had completed my 37th week yesterday and had her naturally, no induction or artificial oxytocin, etc. My water bag burst early morning around 3:30am and she was born at 11:18am.
I’m breast feeding her and she’s completely healthy. Touch wood! Thanks so so much for sharing your knowledge, giving us courage and helping us cultivate the right attitude to go through this whole process. Many thanks you.
The combination of breathing exercises + how and what to communicate with hospital staff for your delivery experience..
birth weight of baby is 3.4kg
By the way, you must know how helpful your classes were for both of us. Both Ankit and I felt so ready for her birth. We weren’t scared or nervous when my water broke at 3:30am. In fact, the moment it happened, I woke up, rushed to the washroom. Changed into my hospital going clothes (that I had packed according to your checklist). Gathered all my bags, woke Ankit up with a timer ready in our hands, timing the contractions as they gradually began. No sign of nervousness. We finally woke our family up when we were ready to go to the hospital. I climbed down two floors without any difficulty. By the time we reached hospital, we were able to tell the staff exactly when it started, the interval and intensity of contractions, I was carrying my own snacks (crackers, mishri, apple juice). I was able to tell the hospital staff that my contractions are stronger and closer apart so I should be moved to the labour room. All the while, I kept doing my breathing exercises. For a first time pregnancy, the staff was surprised with how quickly I progressed in labour.
Even today, if someone asks me how was this experience, *Wonderful!* Is my answer. You took care of all my anxieties and apprehensions about labour, birthing, breast feeding. My husband also loved your sessions and was so involved throughout. He was with me in the labour room without feeling shocked😄 The staff commended him for that.
Thanks so much